Monday, February 18, 2008

A Disaster Preparedness Blog at Work

Earlier this month Union University in Tennessee was hit by a devastating tornado. Alloway Library's Disaster Preparedness Committee was interested to note that Union used a blog to as a means to communicate with their community.

Photo by Morris Abernathy

You can see how they used their blog, and how they are progressing in their recovery by visiting or On these blogs you will see that they cover the big items as well as important messages to volunteers, or specific groups of students. The content is different from what they post on their main University webpage at which is geared to a more general, external audience.

ALERTnews is Alloway Library's emergency response team blog, standing at the ready, just in case. If you are reading this in an email post from Feedblitz, or in an RSS reader, you are in good preparedness mode for communications. While you are thinking about your role as an member of the library's emergency response team, are there other things you could do to improve your preparedness? Why not take time this week to review your emergency plans?