Monday, December 12, 2005

Blog or email?

OK, so which is preferable? A blog or communication via email?

I think email is the way to go for internal communcation, using the library staff group to get everyone. The blog is useful for public communication-- something the PR coordinator could use. It would be linked to the disaster response site.

What do you think? Use the comment button below.


Shawn said...

Looking at what happened after Katrina, I have become aware that some libraries lost email servers and had to gather staff member's alternate email addressess -- aol,sprint, hotmail and the like. This may be something to add to our contacts list.

Shawn said...

Blogger is part of Google ( I think) so it's hosted "out there" I think there are lots of dormant or defunct blogs. ALERTnews could be like that-- we could post occasionally just to keep it from getting rusty ;-)

The alternative may be the bulletin board that Bob created for library staff, which, I think does the same thing as what we are doing now -- internal communication